Monday, January 14, 2013

Busy Bee.

Here are just a few things that I've been working on lately! There are so many more fun projects in the works for Little Wing.
You can order items and find even more on my facebook page!

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Baby feet!!

Princess Tiaras!

Infinity Scarves - I really wanted to keep this one. ;)

Baby Bowties for a newborn shoot.

Baby Sandals

This is the "Lyla" hat, and it might be my favorite ever.

More baby feet!

Valentine's Day Headbands.

The "Lucy" Beanie

The "Lyla" hat in black.

And more baby feet! :)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Owls Hats.

Here is the latest project I've been working on. It's for my friend's daughters, and it just so happens that their last name means OWL. What better item to make for them for Christmas than these?

Visit Little Wing on Facebook!

Friday, December 14, 2012


My heart is heavy today after watching hours of coverage of the massacre in Connecticut. You never know when your life will be rocked with tragedy, and I am painfully saddened for these families. Christmas is just around the corner, and as a parent I imagine the gifts are all purchased, the tree is up and decorated, the stockings are hung awaiting Christmas morning treats, and now they will all just represent what never will be. It's heartbreaking, to say the least. There aren't definitive words for how sad and horrible something like this is.

I am often times stricken with panic over the "what-ifs" about my family and our future, but I thank GOD today that we are healthy and alive and that no matter how many gifts are under our tree there is love in our hearts. I am so very sorry for these losses.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Fuzzy Wuzzy Bear Hat.

This was a custom order for an old friend. I'll post pics of the bambino that it's for as soon as I can! I have a strong feeling it's going to be the cutest ever.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Fingerless Mitts - Beanie with interchangeable flowers.

I'm putting the hooks down and coming up for air today. Little One #1 has dance class today, and I've completed, including gift wrap, one really cute project and started countless more. I've been working in a wave so I don't get too obsessed or bored with any one thing. It gets hard when you're making the same thing repeatedly, so I can't wait to post some new patterns after the holidays are over! Here's the latest set that I think is SUPER adorable. It's for a little girl, so the colors are fun and bold. I'll be making the mitts for myself in a cozy gray and adding a little button. :) I modified the pattern from a basic one to cinch the arm a little so it's not too boxy. I'm calling the color pattern Kyra after the girl it's for! -xoxo

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Mayor. Chief Magistrate.

Can this be my new closet?

I became the mayor of the fabric store on Foursquare today. I was pretty proud. If only they had some sort of parade for me or something, that would be cool. I have so many projects that I need to ship next week that I'm in that "I'm so busy that it's paralyzing" mentality and it's hard to dive into any one thing. My entire house is covered in yarn, the dishes aren't done today and every spare second that I have I've been plotting and planning upcoming pieces. I've never been busier in my life, and I'm pretty excited about that. I get to spend every waking moment with my little girls and when they sleep I can catch up on things that give me purpose outside of just being a mommy and a wife. I can do it all! xoxo

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Little ones in Little Wing.

The best part about making adorable items for babies and children is when my customers send photos of their little ones wearing Little Wing items! Here are some recent ones. How cute are these little dolls??